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Archive for October, 2019

Health Update

October 2nd, 2019 at 12:55 pm

As many of you saw before we lost several months of the blogs (I hope that info returns), I found out I have ovarian cancer. I had a follow up appointment yesterday. It is stage 4, which initially devastated me. However, the doctor said because I had accumulated fluid around my lungs that had cancer cells, that put it above the midline. This automatically stages it at a four. The fluid was drained in the hospital. She said otherwise, based on what she saw, she would have staged it at a 2. She truly thinks she got it all. The reason for the chemo is to get small cells that may not be visible to the eye. I lost 23 pounds in four weeks. I needed it, so as long as it doesn't go down much more, I am happy as far as weight goes.

I get a chest port today. I get a stomach port on Friday. I start chemo next Wednesday. I have mentally prepared myself the best I can. I am going back to editing tomorrow which will help occupy my time.

I urge you if you ever get full after a few bites on a regular/semi-regular basis, start urinating too often and/or have bloating or breathing hard, insist on getting a CA 125 test. Regular blood tests and pap smears do not catch ovarian cancer. It spreads so quickly. My doctor agrees with me that my mass probably grew large within a 6 week period. My mass overtook my right ovary completely. The fallopian tube was not even visible. It spread over to my appendix.

Anyhow, on a positive note, things are moving in the right direction. Financially I am holding my own. Thank goodness I had moved in with my dad in June. It gives me much more of a cushion since my rent is cheap.